Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The dangerous cat

I don't know who is more scared at the start of this or the cat...

How many times have you felt like this?

I just watched Julius Caesar, the movie version with Brando, and I noticed this quote and really enjoyed it:

O, that a man might know
The end of this day's business ere it come!
But it sufficeth that the day will end,
And then the end is known.

Exams, dates, sporting events...I feel like I have tried to express this feeling tons of times but I've never summed it up so eloquently.  Shakespeare, you son of a gun.

Of course, the speaker was talking about going to war, and he dies before the end of the I guess that's about as bad as "the end of [the] day's business" could be...and he didn't really get to experience the end of the maybe this is a bad quote to pull out when you're unsure of how something will go down...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Baylee's coming to Chicago!

Hey Chicagoans (others, ignore this post),

I'll be coming to Chicago a few times over the next couple months, and I'm looking for a place to crash for pieces of those times. These are the dates that I'll be in town:

F, Jan 30-Tu, Feb 3
F, Feb 27-Sa, Mar 7

If you want to offer your couch for some of those dates, post a comment to this post (you should be able to do so without a login name, if not, send me an email). I would pay you back with gratitude, friendship, and drinks. And I'm talking about lots, in all three categories.

Also, I'll be looking for a sublet in Chicago, starting April 18th and going until the end of June, so if you're thinking of killing off any roommates in the next few months, wait until then, so you don't have to pick up any of the bastard's (or bitch's) rent.

Thanks yall,

Saturday Night Live - SNL Digital Short: Laser Cats 2 - Video -

Saturday Night Live - SNL Digital Short: Laser Cats 2 - Video -

Posted using ShareThis

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Creative billboards
Bringing Families Together

Why does the heart get all the love?

When it is said that a person has a strong stomach, it means they can eat volatile foods. A strong liver is associated with the ability to drink vast amounts of alcohol, and rightly so. But when a person is said to have a strong heart it means that they are courageous, with integrity and resolve. How did the heart get all those personality aspects? Add on to that the fact that a 'big heart' denotes generosity and altruism, a 'pure heart' means that a person's intentions and character are righteous, and of course all of the associations with love and passion.

One could argue that the word 'heart' in all these cases is not referring to the organ, but instead means the 'essence' or 'kernel' of the person. I have never interpreted these phrases in that way, but I suppose it is reasonable to do so. Tell me in the comments if you do. Maybe the connection between the heart as an organ and the heart as the essence of a person was in fact created by the fact that the word has the two meanings. Do you think that if the word 'intestine' meant 'essence', we would see an image like this on Valentines Day cards?

Sunday, January 4, 2009 helps you find free drinking opportunities - Chicago: I think it's appropriate that my first blog post helps my friends drink and save money. This is a site for finding free drink opportunities in Chicago...I mean to start putting this to use starting April 24th--my first Friday in Chicago :)